Active Transportation Plan

The active transportation plan is auditing existing conditions for walking, biking, and rolling in Port Townsend, identifying barriers, safety concerns, and opportunities for improvements.

The updated plan will include:

  • Your ideas! There will be opportunities to provide input and feedback on this plan throughout the process. Please join the public open house for Walking, Biking, and Connected Communities on January 15, 2025 at the 620 Tyler Street from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Stay tuned for more information about ways you can participate!

  • Contextual analysis of existing policies, including the City’s 1998 Non Motorized Transportation Plan, and conditions that influence the state of the active transportation network today. This will establish a baseline from which to frame the rest of the plan and compare where the city wants to go with where we are today.

  • A look at best practices. Port Townsend aims to be at the cutting edge of providing proven safety measures to ensure a safe and accessible active transportation network. Looking to other communities for examples of successes and researching case studies will help inform how Port Townsend can implement facilities and policies that are proven to work.

  • “Levels of traffic stress” (LTS) analysis of various designated active transportation routes, which will be used to help prioritize improvement projects as recommended in the plan. LTS is a measure developed by analyzing roadway design, traffic volumes, and motor vehicle speeds and then classifying road/pathway segments into categories based on how comfortable different types of active transportation users would feel using those facilities.

  • Policy direction for the city to guide decision making on prioritizing and funding improvements to bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, as well as investing in safer crossings throughout the network.