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Read up on our Public Participation Plan
and learn more about upcoming engagement events.

Upcoming Events

Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan: Parks Survey

Open through April 18, 2025

Complete this survey to help update the 2020 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan.

Self-Guided Tour: People, Planet, and Prosperity

You’re invited to the People, Planet, and Prosperity Tour!

As we update Port Townsend’s 20-year Comprehensive Plan, you may have heard about different types of land use, street standards, building forms, and densities. Want to learn what those look like in real life? Walk, bike, bus, or drive around Port Townsend with the Tour Guidebook to learn about sites of recent development. On September 18th, the public joined City officials and staff to visit these three housing developments and their surrounding environments. You can visit the sites and use the guidebook to learn about how each site was built, the development process, and how they support the Three Ps: People, Planet, and Prosperity. Participants will provide their own transportation to and from the tour stops.

Past Events

Comprehensive Plan Open House

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

1637 Grant St

Port Townsend, WA 98368

5:30pm - 7:30pm

The open house brought together members of the public, Port Townsend City officials, staff, and consultants. Attendees talked about what the adopted 2016 plan proposes, feedback from engagement, and how we can all put the plan into action.

City Council Decision on Preliminary Docket

Monday, February 18, 2025

6pm - 8pm

On Monday, February 18, City Council held an open public hearing on a which topics could be amended in this Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review. During this hearing, City Council heard a staff presentation, public testimony and comments, Planning Commission’s recommendation, and reviewed mandatory and optional amendments that could be included in the docket.

City Council adopted a docket that included “all mandatory amendments, updating the Critical Areas Ordinance, Active Transportation Plan, Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan, development regulations, and optional amendments including clarifying goals and policies to support implementing the comprehensive plan and updating goals and policies related to housing, density, implementation, climate resilience, parks and open space, and arts.”

Hearing materials are available in the agenda, and the hearing recording is available online.

Planning Commission Hearing on the Preliminary Docket

Thursday, January 23, 2025

6:30pm - 8:30pm

On Thursday, January 23, the Planning Commission held an open public hearing on a list of topics in the Comprehensive Plan could be amended during this periodic review. This list is called the preliminary docket. During this hearing, Planning Commission heard a staff presentation, public testimony and comment, and reviewed mandatory and optional amendments that could be included in the docket.

Planning Commission recommended that “the 2025 Preliminary Docket include all mandatory amendments, updating the Critical Areas Ordinance, Active Transportation Plan, Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan, development regulations, and optional amendments including clarifying goals and policies to support implementing the comprehensive plan and updating goals and policies related to housing, density, implementation, climate resilience, parks and open space, and arts.”

Hearing materials are available in the agenda, and the hearing recording is available online.

Monday, February 3, 2025

6pm - 8pm

Please join City Council’s regular meeting on Monday, February 3, to learn more about the next stage of setting the preliminary docket. More information will be available via the agenda the Friday before the meeting.

Open House for Walking, Biking, and Connected Communities for the City Active Transportation Plan

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

5:30pm - 7:30 pm

Senior Center 620 Tyler Street

City staff and volunteers held a workshop-style open house focused on improving walking, biking, and connectivity in our neighborhoods. Participants engaged in breakout sessions to identify network gaps, shared insights, and learned how to help create a thriving multi-modal transportation system accessible to everyone!

Posters from the workshop are available here.

Planning Commission Meeting on Preliminary Docket

Thursday, January 9, 2025

6:30pm - 8:30pm

During Planning Commission’s regular meeting on Thursday, January 9, the Planning Commission reviewed possible items for the preliminary docket and tools for setting the preliminary docket. The meeting materials are available in the agenda, and the video recording is also available online.

City Council and Planning Commission Joint Workshop

Monday, December 9, 2024

6pm - 8:30pm

During City Council’s regular workshop meeting, City Council and the Planning Commission held a joint workshop. This workshop introduced a list of how the Comprehensive Plan could be amended during this periodic review. This list is called the preliminary docket. This workshop was an informational meeting to learn about the docketing process and how the Planning Commission and City Council will use the docket to prioritize possible amendments. The workshop was an opportunity to learn about docketing and next steps for the Comprehensive Plan.

See the meeting agenda to review meeting materials or watch the meeting recording.

Virtual Meeting: Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan Scenarios

Wednesday, October 23rd 2024

5pm - 7pm

City planning staff and consultants invite you to a virtual workshop on October 23rd at 5pm. Our team has learned a lot from you at our in-person events this year. Join us online to see how public feedback is shaping ways we could use land and direct policy. We want your perspective on community goals, how we can use land in Port Townsend, and your priorities as we chart a course for the next 20 years in our city. You can register online via Zoom. We hope to see you there!

Webinar Materials Available Here:

In-Person: People, Planet, and Prosperity Tour

You’re invited to the People, Planet, and Prosperity Tour!

As we update Port Townsend’s 20-year Comprehensive Plan, you may have heard about different types of land use, street standards, building forms, and densities. Want to learn what those look like in real life? Join City officials and staff on Wednesday, September 18th from 5-7:10pm for a tour of three housing developments and their surrounding environments in Port Townsend. We’ll talk about how they were built, the development process, and how they support the Three Ps: People, Planet, and Prosperity. Participants will provide their own transportation to and from the tour stops.

Sites and Schedule:

  1. 5:00pm – 5:35pm, Sheridan Street & 30th Street

  2. 5:45pm – 6:20pm, Rosecrans Street & 21st Street

  3. 6:30pm – 7:10pm Nora Porter Loop & Hancock Street

We’re excited to see you there!

Planning Studios

PT 2045 Planning: Comprehensive Plan Studio

Help Port Townsend envision and plan for the future!

Join us July 22nd to 24th at the Cotton Building for a workshop on your long-term goals for Port Townsend, and how we want to reach the future. All are welcome to join these drop-in events and stay for as long as you choose.

Monday, July 22nd: PT 2045 Gala 4 - 8pm.

Gather alongside local officials, board members, and staff to open the studio.

  • 3-4PM: Workshop Time - City Council

  • 4-5PM: Studio Soft Open to Public

  • 5-8PM: PT 2045 Gala

Tuesday, July 23rd: Vision Drafting 9am - 8pm.

Review the current vision and collaboratively suggest improvements or revisions with consultants, city staff, and other members of the public.

  • 9AM-6PM: Studio Hours

  • 6-8PM: Vision Workshop

  • 6PM: Presentation

  • 6:20-8PM: Activities

Wednesday, July 24th: Scenarios Workshop 9am - 8 pm.

Explore options to achieve the vision proposed at the workshop and identify a potential ‘preferred scenario’.

  • 9AM-6PM: Studio Hours

  • 6-8PM: Scenarios Workshop

  • 6PM: Presentation

  • 6:20-8PM: Activities

Click the button below to view the combined PDF packet of the July 2024 engagement boards, or scroll down to the Virtual Materials Library towards the bottom of the page.

Youth Planning Studio, Hosted with the Nest

Help Port Townsend envision and plan for the future!

Inviting youth and young adults to share their goals and plans for Port Townsend. Free lemonade and Lotus energy drink while supplies last. Free Nest t-shirt drawing for

Comprehensive Plan Visioning Workshop (In-Person May 9th, Virtual May 17th - 31st)

Join Us in Shaping Our Community's Future!

You're invited to participate in the Port Townsend Vision Workshop! This workshop is the first of many opportunities to shape the 2025 Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan Update, which will be the blueprint for the future of our community. We want to hear your voice!

Date: Thursday, May 9, 2024

Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Location: American Legion Building, 209 Monroe St, Port Townsend, WA 98368

There will be many ways to participate! The Vision Workshop begins with a short presentation at 6:10pm that will cover the purpose of the plan and how the public engagement process will work. This presentation will be followed by optional breakout groups; however, you may also come and complete activities on your own, at your own pace, or speak casually with city staff, consultants, and planning commissioners. There will be an asynchronous online-only kickoff the next week.

At this workshop, we will come together as neighbors and community members to discuss and share ideas on how to preserve the unique character of Port Townsend while embracing positive growth and change. Your input will ultimately help guide the development of policies and initiatives that reflect our shared values and aspirations.

Whether you're a long-time resident, a newcomer, or simply someone who cares deeply about the future of Port Townsend, we welcome your thoughts. Let's work together to create a vision that ensures a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable future for all!

  • Light refreshments will be provided, and all are welcome to attend. Spread the word and bring a friend!

  • Youth of all ages are welcome to participate in the whole event, and will be invited at 7:30pm to share their ideas!

For more information on this and future opportunities, please contact Long Range Planner Adrian Smith.

Other Events

  • On March 7 and 8, 2025, City staff joined the 2025 Connectivity Summit at Chimacum High School. The City’s table invited youth and community members to engage in topics around the Comprehensive Plan.

  • On December 3, 2024, staff participated in EDC Team Jefferson’s Autumn Mixer. Staff connected with local business owners and shared information about how comprehensive planning relates to business, and how to engage in the comprehensive planning process.

    Following the mixer, Planning staff and EDC Team Jefferson collaborated on a survey for local business owners. The survey asked business owners about the challenges of running a business in Port Townsend, and what kinds of space their business needs.

  • On November 8, 2024, and February 7, 2025, planning staff visited the 4th grade classes at Salish Coast Elementary School. Staff introduced city planning as a job, the history of how Port Townsend was platted, how critical areas shape land, and why land is is zoned for different uses. Students worked individually and then in groups to draw their own maps of Port Townsend. Students learned how to prioritize what they value in the city, and practiced compromising with each other.

  • On October 1, October 2, December 3, and December 4, 2024, staff visited AP English 101: Rhetoric and Composition students. Staff shared information about city planning as a career, the history of local planning, how people have made arguments to shape Port Townsend, and how students can use City plans to support their goals.

    On January 28, 2025, students presented their final projects, which made arguments framed for a specific audience about a real issue.

  • On October 15, 2025, Jefferson County and Port Townsend planning staff presented at a meeting of the Port Townsend Rotary Club. The meeting discussed the comprehensive planning process and planning for climate change.

  • On July 20, August 17, and September 21, 2024, staff and Council Members hosted a table at the Port Townsend location of the Jefferson County Farmers Market. The table hosted conversations and information about the comprehensive plan and other city projects.

  • The City was present at the 2024 CONNECTIVITY FAIR at Chimacum School along with tables representing over 80 local non-profit organizations.

    In attending this FREE event, the public can learn how to participate and how to offer their talents to make our county more secure, resilient, and engaged in addressing the community’s needs for our shared future. While this event will hold interest for all who attend, it may prove particularly useful for anyone new to Jefferson County - a kind of one-stop opportunity to learn about the heart and soul of the place where we all live. There will be several targeted break out sessions that focus on collective “sectors” of our non-profit offerings such as housing, local food system, emergency preparedness, child care, and youth mental health, as well as a specific session that highlights the incredible work of our Jefferson Community Foundation. And much more. These breakouts will be held concurrently so review the schedule for details to be able to attend those of greatest interest to you.

    Stop by the City table to learn more about the process of updating our Comprehensive Plan.

    Childcare will be provided at the Connectivity Fair. The day will begin in the Chimacum auditorium at 10 am with a special tribal welcoming.

    Admission is free, the connections are priceless.

  • On Sunday, July 7, 2024, City of Port Townsend staff attended the First Sunday in the Park, hosted by Friends of the PT Golf Park. The City’s table was a place to learn and share your goals for parks and active transportation in Port Townsend.

  • April 19, 2024. City staff attended T-Lab to connect with the community around transportation, sustainability, and the role of transportation in our Comprehensive Plan.

  • On December 19, 2024, Planning staff joined Taylor Clark for an episode of Brewocracy Now. They discussed next steps in the process to develop and refine the 2025 Comprehensive Plan. They also invited listeners to the Active Transportation workshop at the Uptown Senior Center in the Community Center at 620 Tyler Street starting at 5:30pm on January 15, 2025

Virtual Materials Library

Visioning Workshop (May 2024)



Facts & Observations Boards

Goals & Policies Boards

Maps & Other Materials

Click the button below to view the combined PDF packet of the May 2024 engagement boards.

PT 2045 Planning: Comprehensive Plan Update Studio (July 2024)


Planning Priorities Polls

Facts, Observations, and Indicator Boards

Goals & Policies Boards

Active Transportation Plan (ATP) Boards

Maps & Other Materials

Click the button below to view the combined PDF packet of the July 2024 engagement boards.